Friday, May 7, 2010

Being Green II

The website I visited mentioned that I could send any eco friendly tips I myself had and that's what I decided to do. I sent them in email to and if anyone would like to do the same please click on the email I've just provided. I also sent an email to the entire secondary school regarding this website and asking them to send any ideas they have to being green. I also sent the website along with the email so people will be able to check it out. I believe that this will not only spread the word on being eco friendly but it will also motivate people to try and be eco friendly. Here are some of my own ideas:

  • Use reusable batteries so that you don't have to continue throwing batteries away, which end up in landfills and cause pollution.
  • Don't buy packages of juice, cookies etc. If you buy bigger cartons of things the surface area is less and the waste of resources in order to package is less as well.
  • Turn the AC off when you leave the room!
  • Use energy efficient light bulbs
  • Use instead of Google or your usual search engine. It saves energy because the screen is black. It requires more energy to display a white screen than it does a black.
  • Buy a stainless steel water bottle. Not only is it good for the environment as you don't have to continue throwing away a water bottle but it also keeps your water the cleanest.
  • Turn off the TV and computer at night! Even when your computer or TV is on standby mode together the can use as much energy as a 75-watt light bulb that's left on all night. When left on they can also disrupt your sleep patterns so turning them off is good for you and the environment.

From these ideas one I think that is very easy and would change our school is using instead of Google. I think that this is very doable and if everyone changed to we could have great impact on the environment. To try and do this I have sent an email to the secondary school to inform people about and its benefits. As you can see I've also changed the screen of my blog to a black screen to save energy.

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